Nationals of Syria Can Register and Re-register for Temporary Protected Status

Statue-of-Liberty On January 5, 2015 , due to an ongoing armed conflict and temporary conditions in Syria that prevent its nationals from returning in safety, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) re-designated Syria for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and extended the existing TPS designation for the country from April 1, 2015, through September 30, 2016. Eligible nationals of Syria, or persons without nationality who last habitually resided in Syria, will be able to register or re-register for TPS in accordance with the notice published today in the Federal Register with the allowance to apply for a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

If you are a current Syrian TPS beneficiary seeking to extend your TPS status, you must re-register during a 60-day re-registration period that runs from January 5, 2015 and ends on March 6, 2015. USCIS encourages beneficiaries to re-register as soon as possible once the 60-day period begins.

If you do not have TPS, you may apply for TPS during a 180-day initial registration period that runs from January 5, 2015 and ends on July 6, 2015. To be eligible, you must be a Syrian national or a person without nationality who last habitually resided in Syria, who has continuously resided in the United States since January 5, 2015 and have been continuously physically present in the United States since April 1, 2015. In addition, you must meet all other TPS eligibility and filing requirements.

Once you are a TPS beneficiary or you are found preliminarily eligible for TPS upon initial review of your case, prima facie eligible, you may not be removed from the United States, can obtain an EAD, and may even be granted for travel authorization. Once granted TPS, you also cannot be detained by DHS on the basis of your immigration status in the United States.

TPS is a temporary benefit that does not lead to lawful permanent resident status or give any other immigration status. However, registration for TPS does not prevent you from applying for nonimmigrant status.

To be granted any other immigration benefit you must still meet all the eligibility requirements for that particular benefit. An application for TPS does not affect an application for asylum or any other immigration benefit and vice versa. Denial of an application for asylum or any other immigration benefit does not affect your ability to register for TPS, although the grounds of denial of that application may also lead to denial of TPS.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) anticipates that approximately 5,000 individuals will be eligible to re-register for TPS under the existing designation of Syria and estimates that approximately 5,000 additional individuals may be eligible for TPS under the re-designation.

You can find more information online at

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