For those that are seeking asylum, a good lawyer can mean the difference between success and failure. While it’s true that the final decision will be influenced by factors such as which asylum office you go to and which officer conducts the interview, you can improve your chances with the aid of an experienced lawyer.

What can an asylum lawyer help you with? Identifying the best time-frame and approach for your application;

  1. Evaluating your eligibility from a legal perspective;
  2. Explaining any potential obstacles to you;
  3. Sculpting your application to emphasize favorable attributes;
  4. Organizing all of the necessary documentation and sending it to the asylum office;
  5. Researching asylum procedures between the two countries and assembling a country report;
  6. Informing you of any recent changes to pertinent asylum laws and their interpretations;
  7. Preparing all involved parties for the interview, including you, your family, any witnesses, and possibly an interpreter;
  8. Participating in the asylum interview, where they will actively ensure that your rights as protected, as well as act as an expert source of information for the asylum officer;
  9. Delivering a compelling closing statement that will explain your reasons for seeking asylum, along with citations of any applicable laws;
  10. Submitting a more thorough and detailed written examination of the applicable laws once the interview has concluded;
  11. Directing you towards the next steps that you will need to take if your asylum request is granted.

What will happen if you seek asylum without help of a lawyer?

If you don’t have a lawyer to help you out, then you will probably be completely lost when it comes to tasks like submitting the necessary documentation or preparing for asylum interview. Not only are there a wide variety of necessary papers and forms, but you will also need to do extensive research on legal precedents. Even if you did manage to eventually sort out the proper paperwork, it might take you months or years more than it would take an experienced lawyer. At that point, you need to consider if delaying your case is worth the savings. If you’re seeking asylum in the first place, chances are that you can’t afford to wait.

Without a lawyer, you may also struggle quite a bit when it comes to the actual interview. Many requests are denied due to overly vague testimony, lack of details, inadvertent inconsistency and a lack of supporting evidence. Fortunately, careful preparation can prevent that kind of rejection, but you are unlikely to receive such aid without the services of a trained immigration attorney.

In some cases, you might even end up wasting a huge amount of time because you pursued an asylum claim without first checking whether you even qualify. A skilled lawyer can help you determine whether you meet the very strict criteria of being a refugee, which will determine whether asylum is the right course of action to take. Even if you find out that you don’t qualify, you can avoid wasting time, money, and effort on an impossible task.

I.S. Law Firm, Immigration Lawyer in Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

If you are seeking the services of an immigration lawyer in Virginia or DC Area, consider I.S. Law Firm, a group of professionals that have a proven track record. Every case is handled with the utmost care and individual attention, ensuring that every client is given the best possible chance of being granted asylum.

On this website, we have assembled useful information, resources and tips, and information on our law firm’s practice areas. The information provided on this website is not a legal advice and does not create attorney-client relationship. We try to expand and update the information and content on our website, by frequently adding new resources, tips, guides, and Q&As. However, every case has its own individual nuances, facts and circumstances. Therefore, it often becomes necessary to consult directly with a qualified attorney, who can answer your questions, explain your options, and give you legal advice and recommendations. Your consultation options include in-person visit to our office, telephone consultation, or online consultation via Skype. Our attorneys are eager to help you and give you the best legal advice. Thank you and we look forward to your visit!

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Email: [email protected]
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Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030