• It is important to consider various factors when dealing with a judge with a low rating or biased views toward immigrants. One approach is to explore the ratings of immigration judges, which can provide some insight into their decision-making history. Syracuse University in New York maintains statistics on immigration judges’ decisions, including the percentage of cases they approved and denied. You can access this information through a link provided by the university.

    However, it is crucial to understand that these ratings should be viewed as part of a larger context. They provide mathematical percentages based on cases reviewed by a particular judge but do not consider the specific types of cases they handle. For example, judges who frequently preside over cases involving gang violence or economic reasons for seeking Asylum may have higher denial rates due to the complexities of those cases. On the other hand, judges handling cases from countries experiencing significant turmoil may have higher approval rates.

    While considering a judge’s background is important, it is essential to remember that the facts of your case carry the most weight. The objective facts, the reasons you are applying for Asylum, and the country conditions in your home country are significant factors in determining the outcome of your case. Properly preparing your case, gathering evidence, finding witnesses, and working closely with your attorney is also critical.
    It is worth noting that immigration judges are appointed by the executive branch, specifically, the Attorney General, and their backgrounds can vary based on the administration in power. Some judges may have been prosecutors or worked in immigration courts, while others may have been private immigration practitioners. Judges appointed during the Trump administration may have exhibited more anti-immigrant sentiment, while judges appointed during the Biden administration may have different perspectives. However, it is important to evaluate their employment background rather than solely relying on case statistics.

    The location of the court can also play a statistical role, as judges and prosecutors often reside in the vicinity. Generally, red states, which tend to have a more conservative stance on immigration, may have judges who lean towards stricter decisions, while blue states, which lean more liberal, may have judges who are more sympathetic towards immigrants. However, it is important to remember that individual judges’ beliefs may not align with the overall political sentiment of the state.

    Ultimately, the priority should be on the facts of your case, followed by thorough preparation and the support of an experienced attorney. While understanding the judge’s background and considering court location may provide some insight, they should not overshadow the importance of presenting a strong case based on the facts and seeking professional legal guidance.