• It seems that your case is in the process of being transferred from USCIS to the immigration court. The initial court date provided in the Notice to Appear may not always accurately reflect the status of your case. Understanding the process and taking appropriate steps to stay informed and prepared is important.

    The Notice to Appear is typically issued when you are placed in removal proceedings, which can happen if USCIS denies your Asylum claim. It serves as a referral notice, explaining the reasons for the referral and instructing you to appear in court. However, the date and time specified on the notice may not be reliable.

    To track the progress of your case, you can utilize the EOIR (Executive Office of Immigration Review) online portal. You can access the portal and check your case status by searching your nine-digit alien number on the top right of the Notice to Appear. If the portal indicates “no record found,” it means that your case has not yet been filed with the immigration court. It is important to take screenshots of this status and save them as evidence in case any discrepancies arise later.

    Monitoring the online portal regularly, perhaps once or twice a week, can keep you updated on the progress of your case. It is crucial to follow this procedure as the court relies on this system to track cases accurately. In the rare event that a discrepancy arises, screenshots of the “no record found” status can help demonstrate that you were unaware of any court proceedings.

    While it is uncommon for cases to be mishandled in this manner since the implementation of the online portal, it is advisable to consult with an experienced immigration attorney. Hiring a lawyer who specializes in immigration law can provide you with valuable guidance and representation throughout the immigration court process. They can navigate the complexities of your case, ensuring that you meet all necessary requirements and deadlines.

    It is important to note that hiring an immigration lawyer does not restrict you from working with an attorney in your local jurisdiction. Immigration court proceedings can be conducted remotely, allowing you to hire a lawyer from any part of the United States as long as you feel comfortable and confident in their expertise.