Студенческие визы и визы для посетителей
Если вы собираетесь ехать в США как студент по обмену или вы хотите посетить США в качестве туриста или по бизнес-визе (В-1 или В-2), свяжитесь с нами и мы будем рады помочь вам.
Article Information

Article Title: Students and Visitors
Short Description: According to the U.S. Department of State, the Exchange Visitor non-immigrant visa category (J-1 visa) is for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs. These programs include Summer Work and Travel Program and Au Pair Program. Attorneys at I.S. Law Firm have helped many J-1 visa holders and other visitors to change their status, extend their visit, and remain permanently in the United States. To explore your immigration or J-1 visa options, please contact a J-1 visa lawyer at +1-703-527-1779 or via e-mail: [email protected].
Author: Ismail Shahtakhtinski
Publisher - Orgnization: I.S. Law Firm, PLLC
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