Процесс депортации — очень стрессовый и поэтому крайне важно правильно понимать все, что происходит и работать с профессиональным юристом.
Если вас или ваших близких депортируют или высылают из страны, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами и мы будем рады помочь вам.
Article Information

Article Title: Deportation and Removal
Short Description: Deportation proceedings can be stressful so it’s a good idea to be well informed and seek the best legal advice. Being arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or placed in removal proceedings by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can be intimidating for you and your family members. Removal proceedings determine whether an immigrant will be removed or deported from the United States. Attorney Ismail T. Shahtakhtinski has successfully represented numerous respondents in immigration courts all over the United States. We have successfully secured grants of asylum, adjustment of status, and other forms of relief to our clients in immigration court proceedings.
Author: Ismail Shahtakhtinski
Publisher - Orgnization: I.S. Law Firm, PLLC
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